Section-1: Purpose
- To advance and to utilize the science of Ultrasound in the field of medicine.
- To give volunteer medical assistances to the distressed people.
Section-2: Functions
- To present scientific papers, to carry on educational activities and to discuss professional problems.
- To distribute a Newsletter and or Journal to the members and to other interested persons.
- To establish and enunciate high standard of education and training and to implement them through the Society directly or by establishing an educational institution of the Society.
- To affiliate other Educational Institutes dedicated for the education and development of diagnostic ultrasound within the boundaries of Bangladesh.
- To expand educational opportunities.
- To co-operate with professional external organization or agencies as may be necessary to maintain continued progress and growth of the Society.
Section-3 : Policies
The name of the Society or its officers in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial company or for other than regular functions of the Society. No commercial enterprise nor any person shall be endorsed by it.
Section-4: Organization Year
Organization year shall be a calendar year from January to December
Section-5: Election
Executive body shall be elected bi-annually by the General Members in an Annual General Meeting.
Section-6: Term
The Executive body shall serve for a term of two years, or until their successors have been elected.
Section-7: President
The President shall preside all meeting of the Society. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all working sub-committees.
Section-8: Vice President
In the absence or inability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of President. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, Executive Body Meeting should be presided over by an Executive Body Member selected by the Members of the Executive Body present.
Section-9: Secretaries
- The Secretary General:
The Secretary General shall call all the meetings after consultation with the President. The Secretary General shall plan and perform all activities in favour of Executive Body. He shall keep current register of members. He shall submit annual report of organization activities in Annual General Meeting. After expiration of the term he shall hand over all papers, record books and other properties to the successor. Secretary General shall be the ex-office members of all the working sub-committees. Secretary General shall have the authority to spend up to Taka 500.00 in his own discretion subject to approval of next EB meeting.
- The Joint Secretaries:
The Joint Secretaries shall help the Secretary General in conducting executive work of the Society. The Joint Secretary shall act as Secretary General in absence of later.
- The Scientific Secretary:
The Scientific Secretary shall plan and arrange scientific activities of the Society i.e. seminar, continuing medical education, etc.
- The Publication Secretary:
The Publication Secretary shall plan and publish journal bulletin, doctor’s information, patient’s information, etc.
- The Education Secretary:
The Education Secretary shall plan and arrange organized course of the society like “Certificate in clinical Ultrasonography” course, etc.
Section-10: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep the account of the Society. He shall place proposed budget and account in AGM for approval. The Society shall have a Bank
Account and any money collected in favour of the Society shall be deposited in the Account. The Bank Account shall be operated by the Treasurer along with either Secretary General or President.
Section-11: Quorum
A quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall consist of at least 20% of total members. Quorum for an Executive Body meeting shall be 7 [seven].
Section-12: National Conference
The Executive Body shall arrange a National Conference once in a year.
Section-13: Standing Committees
The Executive Body shall form ‘Committees’ to facilitate the work of the Society as deemed necessary.
Section-14: Amendments
Any amendments to the constitution shall be proposed by the Executive Body and shall be adopted by Two-third majority of the voting Members present in Annual General Meeting. An individual Member can place amendments to the Executive Body and after proper ratification the Executive Body may place it in Annual General Meeting.
Section-15: Membership
- General Member: After satisfying the Article V and Article VI a candidate may apply for membership in a prescribed form supplied by the Society. A member of the Society will propose while another Member will second the application. A standing committee named “Membership Committee” will invite, scrutinize, recommend and send the application to the Executive Body.
- Life member: A General Member after completing two years as General Member may apply for Life Membership in a prescribed form supplied by the Society. The Executive Body may confirm Life Membership.
- Fellow: Election of Fellow shall be based on the following criteria:
1) Scientific or clinical research in medical ultrasound, 2) Significant contribution to the literature of ultrasound, 3) Outstanding services as teacher in Ultrasonography, 4) Outstanding service as clinician in Ultrasonography, 5) Active contribution to the activities of the Society. Eligible Members shall be nominated by one member of the Society who will supply supporting papers. Members shall not be eligible for nomination until they have completed five years as a member of the Society. A standing committee named “Fellowship Committee” will invite, Scrutinize, recommend and refer the application to the Executive Body. Fellowship fee will be decided by the Executive Body.
- Honorary Fellow: Election of the Honorary Fellow shall be based on the following criteria:
1) Foreign National, 2) Scientific or clinical research in medical ultrasound, 3) Significant contribution to the literature of ultrasound, 4) Outstanding services as teacher in Ultrasonography, 5) Outstanding service as clinician in Ultrasonography, 6) Active contribution to the activities of the International Organizations and the Bangladesh Society of Ultrasonography. Eligible Members shall be nominated by the “Fellowship Committee” and will refer to the Executive Body.
Section-16: Dissolution Four-fifth majority of the Members in an Annual General Meeting can dissolve the Society. All of its assets remaining after payment of its obligations shall be donated to the organizations who are organized and operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes.